Thank you for your interest in finding out more about what the Enfield Wellbeing Network has to offer – whether you are an Enfield resident who would like to join us or are getting in touch on behalf of someone else.
You can either complete the form below, or if it’s easier call us on 020 3827 2840.
When you send this form you will get an email confirming the details you have submitted. A member of our health and wellbeing team will get in touch with you later to find out how we can support you – or the person you are referring to us.
This service will close on 1 June 2025. This means the support we can provide is now time-limited. If you contact us before 1 May, we can provide one-to-one support for a maximum of four weeks. If you contact us during May, we will only be able to provide one-to-one support for a maximum of two weeks or direct you to other services outside the Enfield Welfare Network. All our services will end on 1 June 2025.
You will still be able to get in touch with our partner organisations using these links: Age UK Enfield, Enfield Carers Centre, Mind in Enfield and Barnet, Alpha Care Specialists and Citizens Advice Enfield.